शिवलिङ्ग Shiv Linga Meaning

All the Spiritual Knowledge, which people have today came from reading PURANS, VEDAS and other Spiritual Book, which was written in different ERA, where Sanskrit was consider to be main Language. So All the Spiritual Books were written in Sanskrit.
“LING” , “LINGA” (लिङ्गं) or “LINGAM” all are Sanskrit, word whose meaning is "mark", "sign", "inference" .
What is SHIV LING :- As per puran , Shiv Ling Meaning is Symbol of Shiv.
Who Is Shiv :- In religion, divinity is the state of things that are believed to come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being, creator deity, or spirits, and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy. So As per VEDAS and PURAM, SHIV is consider to be first SUPREME GOD or Spirit.
How Ling came into Existence :- Once Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma are fighting for superiority. Then a long pillar of fire appear infront of them and challenge them to find start or end of pillar. Both were unable to do so hence stand on both side of pillar and start doing prayer.
Maheshwar(Shiv Another name) Said :- Today is a great day. In this, which I have worshiped today, I am very pleased with you guys. That is why this day will be the most holy and great-great. Today, this date will be the most beloved for me as being famous by the name of Shivratri. At that time, who will worship me in my ling form(symbol of endless power) will get endless happiness.So the “Shivratri Festival” celebrated in INDIA.
All the Spiritual Knowledge, which people have today came from reading PURANS, VEDAS and other Spiritual Book, which was written in different ERA, where Sanskrit was consider to be main Language. So All the Spiritual Books were written in Sanskrit.
“LING” , “LINGA” (लिङ्गं) or “LINGAM” all are Sanskrit, word whose meaning is "mark", "sign", "inference" .
What is SHIV LING :- As per puran , Shiv Ling Meaning is Symbol of Shiv.
Who Is Shiv :- In religion, divinity is the state of things that are believed to come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being, creator deity, or spirits, and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy. So As per VEDAS and PURAM, SHIV is consider to be first SUPREME GOD or Spirit.
How Ling came into Existence :- Once Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma are fighting for superiority. Then a long pillar of fire appear infront of them and challenge them to find start or end of pillar. Both were unable to do so hence stand on both side of pillar and start doing prayer.
Maheshwar(Shiv Another name) Said :- Today is a great day. In this, which I have worshiped today, I am very pleased with you guys. That is why this day will be the most holy and great-great. Today, this date will be the most beloved for me as being famous by the name of Shivratri. At that time, who will worship me in my ling form(symbol of endless power) will get endless happiness.So the “Shivratri Festival” celebrated in INDIA.
शिवपुराण विद्येश्वर-संहिता | (श्लोक १०७) में कहा है-
'शिवशक्त्योश्च चिह्नस्य मेलनं लिङ्गमुच्यते ।'
अर्थात् ईश्वर और मायाका मेल ही शिवलिङ्गके नामसे
कहा जाता है। उसे ही उपासनाके लिये परमेश्वरको प्रतीक
माना जाता है और शिवालयोंमें पूजन किया जाता है।
अतः स्पष्ट है कि 'शिव' शब्दको अर्थ ब्रहाऔर 'लिङ्ग'
शब्दको अर्थ चिह्न या प्रतीक है।
अर्थात् मायाविशिष्ट परमेश्वरका ही लिङ्गके रूपमें पूजन
होता है। | 'लिङ्गण विद्येश्वर-संहिता' में ‘लिङ्ग' शब्दको
अर्थ इस प्रकार बतलाया गया है
शिवपुराण विद्येश्वर-संहिता | (श्लोक १०७) में कहा है-
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